
Usability Study

My Role
User Experience Lead

0 Weeks

Study Duration



0 Min

Completion Time

Product Overview

Microsoft Outlook Roomfinder is a plugin created to help users book a meeting room(s) from within Outlook’s New Meetings/ Appointment tab. 

Ericsson Product Teams

(1) Enterprise IT (2)  Real Estate (4) SmartOffice 

Business Requirements

Provide meeting room bookers an easier way to book meeting rooms 

Product Team Requirements

Generate an understanding of users experience interacting with Microsoft Outlook Roomfinder products and facilitate strategy decisions.



Structured & Semi-structured Interviews • Usability Testing •  • Clustering Qualitative Data • Contextual Analysis



Ideation Workshops • Journey Mapping •  Information Architecture • Prototyping • UI Design • Task Flow


Microsoft Suite Teams, Excel, SharePoint, Power Point, Word. 

Define Objectives

Interview stakeholders to identify their research aim and goals, this includes their expected research outcomes.


Interview randomly selected users (N=6) to understand how they book meeting room. 


Combined gathered user insights to identify common existing user challenges and potential opportunities. 


Developed solutions to address identified challenges when interacting with Outlook RoomFinder.


(1) Produced questions that accrurately measured the opinions, experiences and behavior of

(2) Create design flows for the online survey application (Netigate)  that would allow users to move from element to elements with ease.


Pretested the survey to (1) test the validity of the items and evaluate users understanding of the constructs (2)  measure response rate and observe challenges faced when interacting with the survey application (e.g., survey design & application UI on different devices).

Define Again

Defined existing user challenges understanding the context and navigating the survey items via the survey application tool (Netigate) during Pretest. 

Test Reliability

(1) Tested the survey for Cronbach’s alpha levels to measure internal consistency to reduce the number survey items, increasing  reliable statistical inferences and reduce survey completion rate. 

(2) Cronbach’s alpha is a measure of internal consistency, that is, how closely related a set of items are as a group.

Results and Impact


Today, user satisfaction scores and other KPIs  performance have risen year-to-year across all Digital Workspace product teams. This includes user adoption to tool and application investments. 

Product Teams

The survey provided product teams (1) a strong understanding of who their users are, what they think and how they work. These insights help benchmark year to year finding to track investment efforts and adoption progress, (2) facilitate decision making on  resource allocation  are needed between the product teams.